Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bert Talks About Hoss

I know it's not possible for you guys to listen to every minute of the show. Yes, we've addressed where Hoss is a whole bunch of times on the show. But he'll be really happy to know that a lot of you guys miss him.

Here's the deal. And it's pretty simple. Hoss transferred over to the Promotions Department. He's still at Q100. Just not on the Bert Show.

Q) Will Hoss be back on the Bert Show
A) I sure hope he checks in from time to time.

Q) Has Hoss had sex with his virgin girlfriend yet
A) I don't know. But I do know that Jeff DID have sex with her last week

Q) Did he get fired because of the Press Pass situation at Georgia Tech
A) No

Q) Who will replace Hoss?
A) I don't know yet. We're searching for just the right person. And we're taking our time. We're looking for someone that can answer phones, handle all the technical stuff behind the scenes, a small detail person and someone that can go out and do stunts for us. It's a tough order. Maybe it'll take more than one person. I really don't know. The search continues.


Anonymous said...

You still haven't said why though? Did he really want to leave to go to promotions???

Unknown said...

I think you should hire intern Carl. He seems like a great fit to the show.

Anonymous said...

I was one of the folks who kept missing the updates on Hoss. Thanks for answering through the blog!!!

Anonymous said...

I miss him.

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know we still miss hoss and all the funny dummy mission yall use to send him on!!!

Anonymous said...

thank you for updating us
please let hoss know that we miss him and we hope everything work out for him profrssionally and personally(with jen).

Shay4UGA said...

But I miss HOSS!!!

Shay4UGA said...

BUT WE MISS HOSS!!!!! His stupidity always made me feel so much smarter!