Thursday, December 13, 2007

Millie Pete's Frozen Grandbabies

This is actually a continuation of my previous blog To Be A Mom, Or Not To Be A Mom.

Maybe this new blog should actually be titled A Needle, A Probe, A Fibroid, Oh My...but I'm jumping ahead.

The next step in the egg-freezing process took place a few weeks ago. I had been instructed to call the doctor's office when my cycle started, so that I could come in for testing.

First, I was taken to a small room so they could draw a vile of blood. There is a hormone in every woman that, at elevated levels, could be an indication something is wrong with the eggs. They wanted to test that hormone during my cycle to see how it was responding to my vulnerable egg. The results would return the next day or so.

Apparently at the time of your period, and your body's work in releasing an egg, they can also get a better look at the ducts of your ovaries to see if everything is working properly. This is done with an internal ultrasound, during which they also analyze the condition of your uterine wall. I'm, of course, simplifying something that is very scientific, but that's the gist of the appointment. So, I had to wear the paper skirt as they performed the ultrasound, grateful that any mention of my very-public job wasn't made until after my jeans were back on.

Read more HERE...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am excited for you and Katie Jo. Its pretty cool you share so much of your life with all the Q100 listners.