Friday, December 21, 2007

Hayden Gets Christmas Pass

I'm giving my 5-year-old a pass this year.  He's so excited about Christmas and he always should be.  But last week when I asked him what the meaning of Christmas was he told me that it was the day he got all the presents.  He understands it's the day that Jesus was born but the whole present thing is lost on him right now.  But he's only five.  Next year will be the lesson of "it's way better to give than receive." I think we've also sent him a few too many messages about the holiday.  I can remember last year him referring to Christmas as the day that Jesus came down the Chimney.


Anonymous said...

I love that Jesus comes down the chimney! Kids say some of the cutest stuff. We have a 3 1/2 year old and we started telling her last year that Jesus is the one who tells Santa what she needs. We also sing Happy Birthday to Jesus Christmas morning and are going to make him a cake next year. We try not to get to serious though, its still about the magic of Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I often here people say "have you bought your christmas yet?" what does this say? people may act like they are celebrating jesus bday but they aren't...if they were, they would help needy people like he did while he was on earth, not racking up a bunch of bills spent on self and immediate family. it is a holiday of self indulgence.

Stacy said...

It cracked me up when you said "it's the day that Jesus comes down the chimney" .... cause last EASTER I asked my son (he is the same age as Hayden) what Easter meant and he said, "it was the day that Jesus found out that he was a boy" ..... ha ha ha! He did good with Christmas this year though... we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and made him cupcakes (kids love that).