Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Break a Leg? Melissa Just Might...

Nervous? Me? Absolutely, as I repeat my monologue in my head over and over and over again. I'm working on the piece I will do for this week's Atlanta premiere of "A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant, and a Prayer," by Eve Ensler. The readings are an effort to end violence against Women and Girls as part of VDay. Other performers who will be on stage include our own Jenn Hobby, Eve Ensler HERSELF, OSCAR-WINNER Jane Fonda, THEATRE COMPANY FOUNDER Kenny Leon... and INDIGO GIRL Emily Saliers! So, yeah, I'm nervous.

My piece is called, "In Memory of Imette," which talks about women's fear of being raped. Imette St. Guillen, a victim of a brutal rape and murder not long ago, is honored in the monologue. One night at home as I was reading and re-reading the piece, Katie went online to look up St. Guillen, and as she told me the story of how that fatal night went I had to stop her. I couldn't hear it all, especially right before bedtime. Before that point I had been trying to figure out how to "perform" the reading, without an emotional connection to Imette. But I soon realized in order to truly be responsible for "In Memory of Imette," I had to know. But even then I couldn't take in all the details.

Ladies, if you can't see the play then at least buy the book. But more importantly, share the stories with the men in your life. The whole Idea behind this joined effort is to End Violence, and it takes everyone to do it.

It will be an honor to say Imette's name on stage.....but I'm still nervous.

UPDATE: See the performance HERE!


Unknown said...

Melissa and Jenn, good luck! Can't make it to show, I'll send you good thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck to both you and Jenn! I am sure you will do wonderfully. I won't be able to attend but am glad to hear there is a book that I can buy. Do you know if any of the money from the purchase of the book goes to the cause?

MrsG said...

I heard your monologue when you all played it this morning on the Bert Show. Wow. I was getting ready for work and I had to keep stopping to try and wipe my tears so that my makeup wouldn't be ruined before I even got to work! You did a phenomenal job. I'm so grateful that your performance has been posted on YouTube because I sent it to all of my friends who mostly live in other states. They were moved as well. Thank you for doing what you did...and for continuing to be that strong supportive female we've all come to love. So when is your first movie coming out? ;)

Your biggest fan,

Anonymous said...

Melissa, you were wonderful. Thank you for your thoughtful, heartfelt, courageous performance. It was a joy, an honor, and a pleasure to work with you and to watch you on stage!